We sat outside at the ballpark last night for two hours. It was freezing! I drank two hot chocolates in an attempt to stay warm. It was a futile endeavour. I was still cold. We play again tonight, and this time we will be there for three hours. Needless to say I am not thrilled about the prospect of sitting outside in 35 degree temperatures.
It is amazing what we as parents are willing to do for our children. The love and commitment to them astounds me at times. I will run myself in the ground trying to keep them involved and active in the things that they enjoy. Not to mention how many things I deny myself so that they can have new shoes, extra dance classes, new ball bags, private piano lessons, new swimming goggles, and on and on. The list is limitless.
Somehow when it comes to our children it never seems like a sacrifice. It is more of a privilege. I feel honored to be able to do for my children. How blessed I am to be healthy and to have enough energy to run around to all their activities. How wonderful it is to have the opportunity to spend time with my children. I cant think of anything else I would rather do.
Don't get me wrong I definitely have those "Calgon take me away" moments. There are days when I think I cant possibly go to another music lesson or hear one more baseball chant coming from the dugout. But those days are few and far between. Praise God that I have this day and that this day I get to watch my boys play baseball, even if it is going to be 33 degree's!!
Today's Scripture
Matthew 25:21
21"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'