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Monday, August 11, 2008

Too big for my britches.

Just when I thought it was safe to go back to a support group meeting!!! I went to the monthly Homeschool Support Group Meeting tonight. I really enjoy the fellowship and it was great to have a relaxing evening. Unfortunately, one of the moms brought a "cold veggie pizza." I say unfortunate because as with most foods I try I loved it. I Really don't need another food item in my life that I love to eat. As if the list of "got to eats" wasn't long enough now I have to add veggie pizza.
What was I thinking? I know better than to try new things. I always like them. Unlike my husband who NEVER tries anything. His list of food faves basically includes chicken, burgers, corn, okra and ketchup. Ketchup is considered a food group for him. Anything else is deemed unnecessary for basic nutrition. If I were more like him I would be very thin. There is only so much chicken I can stomach. So until they make chicken that tastes like veggie pizza I will remain to big for my britches, literally.