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Friday, May 16, 2008

Piano Lesson

Today is "music day." Grace has a piano lesson and Isaac has a violin lesson. Elijah had guitar earlier in the week but he still needs to practice. So far no one has showed an interest in learning to play the drums. Needless to say, we are very thankful. It takes two hours to get through music practice as it is. Did you hear that? TWO HOURS EVERYDAY of screeching violin, out of tune piano, and way to loud guitar. Much to the dismay of the music teachers there are days that we don't practice. I don't want to hear Isaac play twinkle twinkle for 5,000th time. Or listen to Elijah play Ode to Joy anymore. Neither of those even begin to compare to hearing Grace play Chant Arab for the past two years. I simply can not stand that song!!!

I pray that after all this torture someone learns to play an instrument. I know I should feel guilty for my attitude. I know I should take pride in hearing my children play. I hear other moms brag about their children's ability to play. Maybe they don't have more than one child. Or maybe all their children play the same instrument. Maybe they are just a better mother than I am. But in the words of my good friend, "it is what it is." What it is, is shear and utter torture.

This too shall pass. My children will learn to play beautiful music. They will use their hard earned gift to glorify and honor the Lord. And when I am old (95 or 100) they will come to the nursing home and play for me and all my buddies on Sunday afternoon. Then I will be grateful for all those hours I listened to them practice. All the gas money I spent going to lessons. All the tuition I forked on for those lessons. And I will long to hear Grace play Chant Arab one more time.