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Monday, May 19, 2008

The Weekend in Alabama

We spent the weekend on the farm in Alabama. The boys absolutely love being out on the farm. Grandad loves riding them around on the four wheelers. Of course, Elijah has to drive himself. lol
Grace spends her time at the barn with Grandmother. They groom all the horses. Grace loves braiding their mane and tails. Grace is totally in her element around all the animals. I on the other try to keep my distant as much as possible.
Although, I don't particularly enjoy the "Alabama Trip" I do enjoy seeing my children have fun. The freedom they get to experience when there is so good for them. To have free reign on 165 acre farm is above and beyond cool for a nine year old boy (Elijah). I am glad they can explore and learn in that environment. Riding bikes and scooter without worrying about cars. Running in the fields with the dogs without worrying someone will grab them. And riding your own pony are only a few of the privileges they get to enjoy. I am glad that they have this great opportunity.