? ??????????????Red? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (40 Ratings)??3802 Grabs Today. 27911 Total Grabs. ??????Prev
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ceder Lane as We Had Never Seen it Before!

We headed to Fountain City for our most recent letterbox adventure. The clues took us down Cedar Lane. Here is a photo of how the road looked 1820. It doesn't take much to figure out how it got its name. If you would like more information on this area of Knoxville here is a very short but informative link: http://www.fountaincitytnhistory.info/People45-McMilllanJames.htm.

It didn't take long to fine the box. The clues were very clever and the historical section of the graveyard was so interesting.

It is amazing how much one can learn, even when they aren't trying.