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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"If I am put on trial and accused of being a Christian, I pray that there will be enough evidence to convict me."

I posted this today and it has profoundly affected me! All day I have thought about everything I have done, what I have said, and how I looked to others. Now at the end of the day I must admit I am innocent. And I am horribly disappointed in myself.

The lack of Christ like behavior I have displayed is shameful. Sure, I did all the typical Christian behavior. I said Grace before I ate. I prayed for me and my family. I even prayed for friends who are sick. But where were any of the things that witness to the world around me? Not once did I stop to help someone in need. Not once did I give to the poor. Not once did I visit the elderly or the shut-in. I spent the afternoon at the mall, passed by hundreds of people, yet never shared the gospel with one person.

Thank you God that You are so forgiving. Thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank You that tomorrow is yet another opportunity to go on trial. Maybe tomorrow I will be guilty of being the the child of God you have called me to be.