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Friday, July 25, 2008

I just can't resist.

I have to share this lovely little bit of information. I feel this overwhelming need to let everyone know the latest in my in-law saga. Once again I will refrain from complaining and simply share the details.

Some of you may remember a few weeks ago when my mother in law decided to educate my children in the dangers of Poison Oak. Thanks to her informative and "hands on" lesson Elijah developed a huge reaction. One that had to be aggressively treated with steroids and cortisone. He is after all home schooled and homeschoolers like to experience lessons from every aspect.

My mother in law told me that she wanted the children recognize poison when they saw it. This way they would know to stay away. She felt that we should spray the yard the way they do in Alabama. That would kill any poison that we might have. It never entered her mind that the poison oak she showed them wasn't in OUR yard. It was in the neighbors yard. Nor did she consider the fact that I have five children. We have lived here eight years. NONE of them have EVER gotten poison oak or poison ivy!!! Not until she felt that she needed to "educate" my family.

Well, Elijah went to Alabama this week to spend a couple of days working on the farm with his Grandad. He is coming home this afternoon. He called this morning to talk to me. That was when he casually mentioned that while at GRANDMOTHER'S HOUSE he had gotten into some, you guessed it.......POISON OAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!