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Friday, July 11, 2008

You may not believe what I did today!

I went to the library!!!! Those who know me know that I almost NEVER go to the library. I don't like it at all. The smell, the germs, the lack of noise, and the accountability of returning those books. I hope those of you who do the library realize that those books you spend so much time picking out have to be returned! You spent time and gas money getting there as well. Not to mention the fact that they aren't even new books. You are actually borrowing used books! That's a whole other aspect that I literally cant stand. You know everybody reads in the bathroom on the toilet. So there they are, sitting on the toilet wiping their hiney and touching the book that you are going to check out next week. ARGH!!! It really is all too much for me. But for the love of the children I went. Now don't get to excited we didn't check out any books or even touch any for that matter. But I thought they would enjoy seeing the magic show they were having today. Indeed they did. They had a good time and I survived the ordeal.


nursemom said...

I am the same way about the Library, I bet your 3 little ones loved having you all to themselves this week.