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Friday, May 28, 2010

I Spy With My Little Eye!

Elijah gets the privilege of baring the title "First Durham Kid in Glasses." Who knew he would be so excited? He loves his glasses and is so happy to be able to see clearly! I am thrilled for him. Doesn't he look cute?
We have spent two years telling the kid not to back out of the batters box in baseball. Bless his heart the entire time he wasn't able to judge the distance of the ball and thought it was going to hit him. Yes, a better parent would have suspected that their child was having problems with his vision. But I never claimed to be a better parent, just the best one that I know how to be. And some days it is evidently not enough. But, yesterday I took my child for an eye exam and today I took him to get his new glasses. Although, that doesn't qualify me for mom of the year it does make me way better than the mom who yelled at her kid for not staying inside the batters box.