Today we officially ushered in the unofficial start to summer! And what a great start it was. We spent the middle of the day at the grand opening of the YMCA's outdoor pool. Everyone was excited, but none at much at Isaac. Today marked at turning point in my boy's young life. It finally happened...Isaac is tall enough to go down the big blue slide!!! Woohoo!!!
Isaac wasn't the only person to experience a "first" in their life. Tonight I built my first fire all by myself! It was wonderful and smelled so good. The fire pit is perfect for roasting marsh mellows and making smores. So that is just what we did.
Don't worry, I didn't forget what today was really about. We spent our afternoon doing a mini unit study on the significance of Memorial Day. And we did it as only homeschoolers can. It was complete with worksheets, games, vocabulary, artwork, music and journal writing. Grace's rendition of The Battle Hymn of the Republic on piano was outstanding. Elijah's drawing of a Soldier with a bloody sword was a sight to behold. And Isaac's moving performance of The Caisson Song was moving, to say the least. I can't tell you how much I love seeing my children learn. It is such a blessing to know that I get to be a part of that process. What a privilege it is to have the freedom to homeschool.
So today, on this very special day. I choose to remember those who have fought for my freedom. It is because of them I can homeschool. It is because of them today was possible. It is by the Grace and Mercy of my God that I was born in this country. I AM SO VERY DEEPLY THANKFUL for those who feel that this country and the freedom it holds so precious is worth fighting for.
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