Headed to the sprinklers in Powell after a morning of piano and laundry. The weather was perfect. An occasional cloud would pass over the sun, just long enough to allow everyone to cool down for a minute. The kids loved it and enjoyed playing with all the other kiddos.
As with most things in my life there is a BUT. A big BUT (pun intended) no doubt. We arrived at the park just in time to see the Sheriff's truck park. And what proceeds to come out, you ask? Convicts, I tell you. Like clowns piling out of the VW at the Shriner's Circus.
Really? I am all for prisoners working for their keep. Or those who drive drunk making restitution for their crime. But is the park an appropriate place for this? Do we need prisoners picking up trash at the park where our children play? Are the roadsides and lake banks so clean that they have no where else to go? Are we so lazy that we need prisoners to pick up after our children? Can our children not do this for themselves?
I mean REALLY!
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