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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Words from the Heart

Today has indeed been a day of rest. We slept a little late then got up and ready for church. We went to the late service and it was really crowded. Ken Freeman was preaching and he did a good job as usual. He is very funny and very literal. It is refreshing to hear someone different occasionally. And unlike last Sunday I was able to keep my mind from wondering.

His message was on the heart. He talked a lot about what comes out our mouth is from the overflow of our heart. I have been thinking about that today. As I have spoken to my children and my husband I tried to listen to my words. I ask myself if I was speaking in love, anger, or indifference. I caught myself getting angry with one of my children for their actions. I stopped for a moment to consider my words. I thought about my choice of words. Were they correction or criticism? What was my intent? What was really in my heart?

Today's Dream

I want to speak to my children, my husband, my friends and even myself from a heart of love and respect. I want to be very decisive in the words I choose to let come out of my mouth. To once again be in the moment and take the time to think before I speak. That each and every word would glorify the Lord.