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Thursday, January 24, 2008


Well Scarlot was right. Today was fresh and new. I began the day with a new outlook. I tried extremely hard to focus on what is important, what is of value, and what is true in my life. Because at that end of the day that's all the really matters.

So what had importance, value, and truth in my life today? Grace made a 98 on her language arts test today, now that's important! I found a check in my coat pocket for $58, now that has value. My husband loves me, that has tremendous value! God is still on throne and in control, NOW THAT IS TRUTH!!!

It's the dreams that propel us forward. It's that dreams that give us the strength to go on another day and to dare to believe in what could be. But, its the TRUTH that sustains us. Only when we operate in truth are able to be content in the moment. I never want to stop dreaming. It was the search for my dreams that started me on this journey. There are dreams of what was and of what is yet to be. But, we cant live in the past or the future. Today is what is real, what is now, what is TRUE. Happiness doesn't exist in "once upon a time" or in "some glad day." Real happiness occurs when we take the time to live in the moment.