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Friday, February 22, 2008

It's Raining Outside

How is it that rain can totally change my mood. I woke up feeling pretty pepped up. I was thinking about how much I was going to get accomplished this morning and everything that the kids and I were going to do today. There is no cross guard and co-op has been cancelled. I was excited at the prospect of having an entire day to have fun. I got up went downstairs and looked out the kitchen window. RAIN!
I went back upstairs put my p.j.s on and laid back down. Now how sad is that. I don't dislike rainy days. In fact I really like them. When I was growing up we lived in a farm house with a tin roof. I long to hear the sound the rain makes as it hits the tin. I love to play in the rain as long as I can take a shower afterward. I like how it seems to make everything slow down. What I don't like is that is makes my hair frizz!!! And it is impossible to get five kids out of a mini van and into a building without getting totally drinched. Although I like playing in the rain. I can't stand wearing wet clothes. Just another one of my pet peaves. When it rains I want to stay in and relax. Read a book. Watch a movie. Eat chili or chicken and dumplings. Take a bubble bath. You get the picture.
Unfortunatly, my children do not share in my lack of enthusiasm about today's activity level. They are rip roaring and ready to go . Perhaps being cooped up in the house all day with five energetic kids is worse than getting wet in the rain and watching my hair frizz. SO......the kids win again. I am off to get myself ready. I wont bother to do my hair since it will curl up and and look like Dianna Ross anyway. Looky there I just saved myself ten minutes of getting ready time. lol
I know life is about choices. So once again I am going to choose to have a great day. I am going to enjoy the rain and cleansing power it brings. Lord knows I love how it feels after the rain! Everything seems so fresh and new. It's as though God is giving us yet opportunity to start over. To leave the past and head toward out future.
Today's Scripture
3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord; his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth" (Hosea 6).