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Monday, February 25, 2008

Searching my Heart for Wisdom

My inlaws are coming today!!! Heaven help me. Does it not seem like they were just here? Oh yea, they were just here! arrrggghhh. Once again I am going to try to refrain from complaining about this situation. I am going to take the high road. lol I am just not sure where the high road will take me.

Well on to better subjects. We did go my Mom and Dads' church yesterday. The visiting preacher did a great job and I am sure he will become the new pastor. However I am not sure that we should make their church our home. I love the people there and it is the church I attended from the time I was 10 until I was 17. My children enjoy going there as well.

There are just several things that make it a little uncomfortable. For one I have way to many family members attending the church. My cousin is choir director, my aunt plays piano, my dad is the head deacon, my other cousin is the Sunday school director, it goes on and on. Sometimes that is to close for comfort. Also, the church has a really small choir. After being use to Grace Baptist Church's HUGE and powerful choir it is really hard to adjust. There is nothing major about the church that we don't like. We just don't feel lead to make it our church home.

So in the mean time we will keep searching. Searching the community for churches. Searching our hearts for guidance. And searching God's word for wisdom.

Today's Scripture

Proverbs 9:10"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."