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Monday, March 3, 2008

Heaven Help Me

Well it is Monday, typically not my favorite day of the week. My inlaws came into town last night. The happy dance is no more!! But it is suppose to be a beautiful day today and I am excited about the warm temperatures. I plan on taking the kids to the zoo this evening and maybe out for a bite to eat.

I am praying that I will enjoy this day. I don't want to let my in laws stress me out or ruin my day. I want to walk in peace and love. I want to focus on what is important and what works for me and my family. My in laws have a way of putting the focus on themselves and what works for them, without regard for anyone else. I really need to stay calm and not allow them to upset me or get me off schedule. It is so important that I get school and work accomplished each day. With five kids the least little thing can totally get everyone off task and behind.

So today we are going to work diligently at accomplishing our goals and staying on schedule. This is a hard thing for me on a normal day let alone with Grandparents coming in and out of the house. So "heaven help me." I am going to enjoy this day no matter what. lol Lord, help me to remain in your will and keep my eyes on your face that I may be the person you would have me to be IN ALL SITUATIONS. Regardless of my circumstances!

Today's Scripture

"Thou wilt keep him in Perfect Peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee:because he trusteth in Thee" (Isaiah 26:3).